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Monday, April 5, 2010

[Tip] "That", "Which", or "who"

* " Who" refers to people. "That," however, would not be incorrect in some sentence.
*"Which" & "that" refer to groups or things. Use "That" to introduce an essential clause, and use "which" to introduce a nonessential clauses, but if "this", "that", "these", or "those" has already introduced an essential clause, you may use "which" to introduce the next clause, whether it is essential or nonessential.

I don't see the guy that you said he was coming to meet us. ( Readers can't know which guy until they finish reading what comes after "that")

I'm reading the book, " 1984", which you recommended to me. ( Readers already know which book I'm talking about before reading what comes after "which" )

Those are the shoes which you've been looking for.
That's the movie which I was talking about
Notes :

*Essential clauses do not have commas surrounding them while nonessential clauses are surrounded by commas.
* Often, you can write your sentence by leaving out "which" when"this", "that", "these", or "those" has already introduced an essential clause before.

Example: Those are the shoes which you've been looking for ....( better say).... Those are the shoes you've been looking for.

Quiz - "Which"," That", and "Who":http://punctilious.org/grammar/quizzes/which_quiz.htm


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